Modern technologies enable to reach a high-level of sustainable development of agri-food. Wageningen MFC elaborates strategic road maps for modern agriculture and rural development in which actual and future aspects of sustainable development are being included for governments and multi-stakeholder cooperatives.
Our expertise:
Integration of technologies to create industrial ecology and circular economy.
Co-design and implementation of agri-food logistics.
Market analysis.
Strategic planning based on SWOT analysis and scenario development.
Development of business plans.
Regional Dialogue for Northern Limburg in the Netherlands
Living Lab Vredepeel in the Netherlands
Analysis of sustainable development and product quality for Agri Brazil project
National agri-logistic scheme for Mexico
Regional development plans for modernisation of agriculture in the Mexican states of Aguascalientes, Nayarit and Chiapas
Food security strategies for SingaporeTurning Food Waste in Singapore into Animal Feed