The core team members of Wageningen MFC have diverse expertise and professions, with around 300 years of working experience in total. This list consists of key
assets of the core team members with a proven track record of professional projects in their own fields.
The complementary fields of expertise, essential in strategic thinking on metropolitan food provision, Agroparks and Metropolitan Food Clusters planning, and
related spatial lay out of a country or region are fully covered, see here to have an overview of MFC projects.
The fields of expertise are on agriculture, urban, regional development, water management, logistics and infrastructure, landscape and biodiversity, governance,
education and training, Research & Development, business development, transboundary cooperation and communication, and most essentially, the capacity to integrate these into sustainable
development planning.
Metropolitan Master Planning services in the Netherlands:
City of Rotterdam: Survey and master planning and rehabilitation of 19th and early 20th century urban areas and preservation of post-war reconstruction areas of
the city centre
Ministry of Spatial Planning NL: national urbanisation policy, including regional design and development strategy for the Randstad/Green Heart region.
Metropolitan Master Planning projects have been executed internationally in:
Jabotabek/Pantura (Greater Jakarta/North-West Java area)
North Jakarta/Jakarta Bay (rehabilitation of historical city centre and improvement of transportation, sanitation and flood protection infrastructure;
development of tourism; improvement of low-cost housing areas)
Dhaka (Bangladesh; Dolai Khal urban renewal plan of old city centre; Baddha en DND Triangle local area master plans)
Greater Surabaya (integrated urban and regional development)
Mombasa (Kenia; South Mainland development plan)
St Petersburg/Leningrad Oblast (Russia; joint city-region development plan with special emphasis on cultural, tourist and commercial development of the
historical core of the city; redevelopment of pre-war abandoned industrial zone and post-war large scale housing outskirts)
Aden Free Zone Master Plan (Yemen)
Master plan for Old City rehabilitation, city of Semarang (Indonesia)
Kazakhstan establishment of agglomeration policies (European Union)
The team is well versed in water management integrated river management and flood protection measures, strategically as well as practically and involved in may
Water management Ciliwung river in relation to urban development of Jakarta
Spatial consequences and opportunities of long-term water system adjustments in the western NL for ‘Delta Commission' flood protection schemes
Thinktank 'South-western Delta Program' to create a robust and dynamic water-based nature and landscape in the south-western area of NL and the NW part of
Flanders, as a means to diversify and revitalise the regional economy
Flood protection and fresh water provision strategy for the Rhine-Meuse Delta, in interaction with the development of a modern water-oriented economy,
preservation of cultural and natural heritage, recreation and tourism, housing (National Delta Program)
Evaluation of spatial quality methodology Dutch River Adjustment Program ex ante; assessment of development plans for historical waterfront
Ex-post evaluation of spatial quality outcomes Dutch River Adjustment Program
European Union:
Integrated River management (ADEPT) International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen
Integrated Water Resources Management in Rural areas in Poland: University of Warsaw, Poland
Regional planning and water resources management, facilitation of stakeholder processes on irrigation (Water for Food and Ecosystems) in
Process management of need assessment of cross border cooperation for Research, Tools and Capacity building in the Nile Basin
European Union Commission: NEWater on new approaches to adaptive water management under uncertainty, project on the large rivers (with 40 participants)
R&D, Water Management Master plan region Cangzhou Bohai New Area, China
Nile basin Initiative: contribution to Nile Basin Initiative regional agricultural trade and productivity project in Agricultural Model and Data
Collection for the Nile Basin Decision Support System;
Contribution to Korea-NL cooperation on Integrated master planning Saemangeum Delta
Environmental Impact Assessment - Deep underwater storage of polluted dredging spoil in Kaliwaal
Dike improvement behind Ramspol: Memorandum of requirements and Nature management and maintenance plan of the dikes behind Ramspol
Nature and landscape development in the riverine area of the Rhine in de Gelderse Poort
Province of Gelderland: Strategic report on riverine planning (NURG)
Research on water systems in Europa
Wageningen University & Research: International Water Policy Evaluation ILRI