the WMFC team

Steef C. Buijs MSc

Specialist in urban and regional planning


Arjen E. Simons MSc

Specialist in International agro-logistics and fresh networks

Madeleine J.M. van Mansfeld MSc
Specialist in ecology & process facilitation


dr. Peter Smeets

Specialist in Agropark planning, ecology, and process facilitation

Yorick A.T.F.H. de Bruin MSc

Managing Director and Innovator

Specialist in sustainable animal production systems

Xi Zhu MSc

Project Officer Asia
Specialist in urban & rural planning and agropark planning


Celeste Balmelli

Account success manager

Transboundary cooperation and networking Latin America

Darren Ho

Account success manager

Transboundary cooperation and networking South-East Asia

Ewa Wietsma - Łącka

Account success manager

Transboundary cooperation and networking Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The core team members of Wageningen MFC have diverse expertise and professions, with around 300 years of working experience in total. The complementary fields of expertise, essential in strategic thinking on metropolitan food provision, Agroparks and Metropolitan Food Clusters planning, and related spatial lay out of a country or region are fully covered.

  • See here to have an overview of MFC projects. 
  • See here to know the track record of professional projects in their own fields.

In the meantime, we closely work with experts from knowledge institutes (such as Wageningen University & Research) and from different companies (such as technology providers, professional food producers, as well as engineering and implementation). Based on the requirements of a project or client, we set up a tailor-made expert team. Together we deliver thought-out results to our clients on their agri-food development challenges and questions. Co-design is our approach to integrating various knowledge into a project.