Food production, processing and distribution for the world’s metropoles is organised in increasingly complex networks. We call these networks Metropolitan Food Clusters – our company Wageningen Metropolitan Food Clusters supports entrepreneurs, governments and citizens to design and develop these networks, hubs and required infrastructures.
Wageningen MFC is a spin-off of Wageningen University & Research that integrates the knowledge and life-long experience of former and current senior experts from this university and linked relevant expertise’s with the fresh ideas and up-to-date education of young professionals.
Our mission is to help providing good food for everyone in an urbanising world. Our focus is on innovation of the agri-food system by co-designing Metropolitan Food Clusters, answering to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This approach brings the worlds of governments, businesses, knowledge institutes, and consumer and interest organisations together within a framework of sustainable development.
We feel responsible for the environmental impact of our work – especially for climate and bio-diversity and frugal use of resources; for welfare consequences – for both humans and animals; and for healthy economic results – for individual businesses and consumers as well as sectors, nations and regions.
We offer a wide variety of tailor-made solutions in the fields of:
The core team members of Wageningen MFC have diverse expertise and professions, with around 300 years of working experience in total. The complementary fields of expertise, essential in strategic thinking on metropolitan food provision, Agroparks and Metropolitan Food Clusters planning, and related spatial lay out of a country or region are fully covered.
We closely work with experts from knowledge institutes (such as Wageningen University & Research) and from different companies (such as technology providers, professional food producers, as well as engineering and implementation). Based on the requirements of a project or client, we set up a tailor-made expert team. Together we deliver thought-out results to our clients on their agri-food development challenges and questions.
Metropolitan Food Clusters (MFC) have been developed since the end of last century, starting from in-depth research of the agri-food system of North-Western Europe. In applying the concept, we work from 6 principles.
Wageningen MFC consists of three entities: Wageningen MFC Association, Wageningen MFC Business and Wageningen MFC Foundation, which together guarantee the permanent generation of knowledge and know-how towards system-innovations in Agriculture and Food production. These three organisations provide the opportunity of increasing and sharing this knowledge base.