mfc tour

Seeing is believing, an agri-food tour in the Netherlands with in-depth knowledge and explaining can help people to better understand the agri-food sector from different perspectives, for instance: how the agri-food system works, how to create added-values in agri-food sectors, why improving the agri-food sector can help climate change adaption and mitigation, or why agri-food sector is important to national security?


Our experts and partners have worldwide experience in different innovative agri-food technologies, in agri-food research, and in integrating multi-chains to create circular economy.  Wageningen MFC organizes tailor-made tours and guidance through the Netherlands to visit world-top agri-food production and processing technologies, businesses, practices and research, as well as to meet the top agri-food companies and research institutes.


A tailor-made tour can offer more specific content. Navigate through the topics below and don't hesitate to contact Wageningen MFC to get more information.


When arranging the tour for you, you can include different topics into your tour. Below are some examples. You are always welcome to contact us for more information and specific requests!

Agri-food clusters

Resource use efficiency, smart logistics, integrated stakeholders’ approach, and cross chain integration.


Innovative greenhouses technologies, renewable energies, management and training on crop production.

Modern dairy

Feed production, feed production technologies and mills, innovative dairy stables, and dairy processing, manure treatment.

Modern poultry

Innovative technologies on breeders, broilers, layers, and production management and training.

Modern aquaculture

Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), aquaculture production technologies, aquaculture management, and market research

Industrial ecology

Circular agriculture approaches, integration of different production chains.

Regional development

Innovation of local and regional planning approaches. Governmental strategies to include stakeholder participation.